
Monday, July 25, 2005


man i love this place :)

i went on an adventure yesterday with a person i will call "Friend A" to the rose garden, then to another garden across the street that was basically sections of plants divided by countries from around the world... that got me to thinking, maybe the reason i love flowers so much is because there aren't many back home?! lol i have come to the conclusion that due to the fact that there are a lack of flowering plants back home, it made my female ancestors want them, and that longing for flowers was passed down through my genes and made me love flowers. i mean if you want to make me smile, that's all it takes. even if you pick it from the ground. i don't ask for much. lol we then missed the bus and found ourselves at the bridge. so we got off and walked the bridge, took hella pictures and had a good time. my night consisted of a few games of pool at an irish pub down the street, then meeting some friends to go for a night walk, we've been doing that alot lately. today me and "Friend A" went on another adventure, we went on a hunt for a restaurant that sounded fun from her 'little black book of things to see and do' we got lost, so we gave up and went to a mexican restaurant and had an awesome meal. we got home and basically spent the evening here, me and the girls were going to go to the beach and make a bonfire, but it was too cold for that tonight, and there was a ton of fog... maybe tuesday night? or friday after the club... that'll be fun. so we spent the night trying to get the X-Box to work. yes 6 girls 1 X-box and it doesn't work lolol so we watched fuzzy 'not cable' TV, drank virgin strawberry margaritas and took and gave advice on random topics.. it was fun for a slow night at the house


  • sounds like a fun day :)

    so where are you from if I may ask?

    By Blogger Papillona ®, at 1:59 AM  

  • hey sarah :) if you want, we can talk through email or on msn messenger... and i'll tell you all you want to know... are you in Kuwait right now?

    By Blogger E3younAlbak, at 1:16 PM  

  • you can add me if you want to :)

    By Blogger Papillona ®, at 1:22 PM  

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