
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

holy shit.

i don't know what to do about this...

yesterday i was talking to one of my roomates, she hadnt heard from her boyfriend in 3 days and kept trying to call him... she also told me that she used to cut herself when she would get upset, so i talked to her for 3 hours on why she shouldn't do that and that no guy is worth it and blah blah blah...

today i come home to change my clothes before going out, and i go to brush my teeth... the girl went to her cousin's house and spent the night last night, out of the city. so i hear her say e3younalbak are you there? i had heard her running up the stairs but wasn't sure who it was... i said yea im brushing my teeth, she said can i come in? i thought to the bathroom?! ummm ok. so she came in. she said um i got a cell phone, keep in mind this girl just moved to america less than a month ago, shes asian. so i said that's good... so did you talk to your boyfriend? she said yes hes been cheating on me the whole time. i said what? are you sure?! she said yes his girlfriend called me back, he left his cell phone at her house. so i said oh god... i was at a loss of words. then she said i cut. i said you what?!?! she slit her forearms, both of them from her wrists to her elbows. she was wearing long sleeves and when i looked at her arms, i noticed that they were thick from her elbows to her wrists, and the shirt she had on was very thin... i said pull up your sleeves. so she did, she had them all wrapped up, it looked so professionally done. it scared the shit out of me. i said let me see your arms. so she moved the bandage... diagonal cuts down her arms. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?! i called the other housemates and told them about the problem at hand... we were supposed to have a house meeting at 11pm, and talk to her about it, but when we got home she was sleeping. how do we bring this up... im not even sure if i should let it be known that the house knows about it, i mean she came to me, but if you do something like that, somewhere obvious, and then tell someone about it, you're asking for attention... right?? if you didnt want anyone to know you would hide it wouldn't you?? i don't know what to do, i've never dealt with anything like this in my life.


  • She sounds like an idiot.

    By Blogger Purgatory, at 1:31 AM  

  • I think u should report her before she dies, n then they blame u for it ! Isn’t there a social office for such things over there !?

    By Blogger Devilish, at 5:59 AM  

  • Usually the reason why girls cut themselves is to deal with the emotional pain they have in a physical manner(stating the obvious). Alot of girls do it. I think you should treat it as a cry for help. You should have the house meeting and confront her, but not in an aggressive mood but more in a supportive role. You should tell her that she needs help and that you are there to support. And that she must go and get help, because you guys in the house can't handle it.

    By Blogger Akv, at 7:00 AM  

  • OK.. sweetie.. I think your friend needs psychiatric help ASAP.. what ever is happening is not something you could sit and talk it over in a meeting or what nut.. this is a very serious issue and need immediate attention.. the fact that she cut her self and showed it to you, tells you that she is seeking attention, and sympathy.. many others would do it in different ways, like not eating, or staying in the room for a long time making people worry about them and feel sorry for them.. what I am talking about is not during the grief process, but sometimes it extends with few people for wanting attention .. the guy who was supposedly going out with your roommate, didn’t see what was coming.. and fled the scene as soon as he found out she has lots of issues to solve.. things that you may not even know about..

    My advice to you, is to stay out before you get sucked in the turmoil… remember ( being nice is one thing, going through this with someone you just got to know is another) I could understand if she was your life time friend, but a roommate, I would stay away.. don’t get me wrong.. I am not saying be a jerk.. but I think you should advice her to seek therapy, and draw the line on that relationship.. getting closer to her and making her feel your sympathy is just adding wood to the fire.. (been there, done that) and I speak out of experience.. :)

    By Blogger 2 Second Club ®, at 3:43 AM  

  • Purg. I resent that!

    I agree with the Don. The fact that she's showing u means she's calling out for attention & help. In a way she's saying help before I really do it .. and under the right circumstances and the right state of mind she could do it too.

    U can't handle this one on your own. Get Help!

    By Blogger Peach, at 5:33 AM  

  • I had a 2 friends who used to cut themselves. I didnt tell anyone b/c I realized they were letting me in on their secret b/c they trusted me. But what I did do was keep them away from each other. I didn't want them to have cutting parties while I was at school or work. I also found a doctor for them to talk to and then went and joined a support group with them. I am happy to say they don't slice and dice anymore.

    By Blogger Mia, at 5:46 PM  

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