*uninspired, inspire me*
mmmm i've been sick and uninspired lately... i'm in the midst of self discovery or rediscovery lately... i dunno what i want... i dunno when i want it, i dunno how i should go about getting what i want... i need a freakin break! my friend emailed me yesterday, hes stationed in Afghanistan right now, and hes having a hard time, he wants to come back home poor kid... i sent him a recent pic of me showing him changes ive made... weight loss, hair style, just general changes his response to that was "your new look..... damn ......damn. theres not much that i can say, other than your dangerous." hmmm... thanks, i think? lol i dunno here's to me having a brain fart with nothing to say... what do you guys want to talk about... here's a free pass... talk about what you want... make it a question answer session... ask what you want :P
Government conspiracies? ;p
MBH, at 3:16 AM
hehehe oh man i can go on and on about that... first of all i totally agree with the 'conspiracy theory' about aids being a man made disease "made to eleminate the undesirable elements of society"
E3younAlbak, at 3:58 AM
afp... true ;)
ajq, do you have msn messenger?
E3younAlbak, at 4:33 AM
hey u hav a nice blog here.
llanin, at 4:41 AM
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS... sorry to do this to my fellow bloggers, bas im turning on the damn code thing... they've left me with no choice.
E3younAlbak, at 4:56 AM
Llanin thanks honey :) welcome to my blog
E3younAlbak, at 4:58 AM
Spontaneousnessity, at 2:15 AM
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