
Wednesday, October 19, 2005


once again, i got tagged.

Seven things I plan to do:

1- Move to Kuwait
2- Finish college
3- Travel
4- Pack so i can move (im moving tomorrow and haven't packed a single thing)
5- unpack everything soon so the house wont be messy for long
6- get all the extras so the house will be completely ready... ie a mattress
7- ummm work with ISM

Seven things I can do:

1- ride roller coasters all day and all night without throwing up
2- make friends anywhere i go
3- make an enemy anywhere i go
4- walk alot without complaining
5- Eat, talk on my cell phone and drive all at the same time.
6- perfectly bring an idea to paper/computer screen
7- get my way 99% of the time

Seven things I can't do:

1- write/eat with my right hand
2- definitly can't drive a stick.
3- be fake
4- be ignorant
5- stand stupid people
6- be cold hearted
7- be quiet

Seven things I say most often:

1- wallahi?
2- Absolutely!
3- You know what i mean?
4- 'E3younalbak' don't play..
5-Don't play me!
6- that's riiiyyyeeet
7- no,you shut up your face

Seven people I want to pass this tag to: eeh whoever feels like it

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


i cant believe its been almost a month since i last updated my blog...

ive been so busy with school then i got a job then i quit it, its been hectic here lately... i withdrew from 2 classes after the time they gave us to drop the classes so they got counted as withdraw/fail which dropped my GPA down to a .7 yes 0.7 so i had alot of drama at the school because of all that... i've had practically 0 internet access so i havent been able to post. they gave me unlimatums in order to stay i have to make a b in every class, if i get a b- in any of the classes i get kicked out. if i miss more than 3 days in each class i get kicked out. i have to meet with my advisor once a week to show her where i am in my studies and let her know whats going on in my life.. and if i dont show up to the meetings i could get kicked out. i had so much going on last quarter that i had viable reasons to drop the classes but unfortionatly did it a day too late... so ive got to focus this quarter. so im under an enormous amount of stress because of it.

on top of that, ive also been sick and moved, and now its time to settle down and focus. no partying for me this quarter lol some new girls moved in and they're dorks. ya3ni sorry bas they are complete losers. one of them follows me everywhere and does not shut the fuck up. she talks nonstop and every sentance starts with 'that reminds me of...' DID I ASK YOU WHAT IT REMINDED YOU OF?!?!?! DO I LOOK EVEN REMOTELY INTERESTED??? HELL THE FUCK NO! i'm moving out on the 20th. so i have to be patient until then. i came home after class today.. mind you i used to live upstairs and moved to the downstairs room with my best friend 3 weeks ago, and they've been here 2 weeks now. the kitchen and living and dining room are downstairs. i came home after class today, and one of the loser dorks was making pork flavored ramen. DISGUST ME PLEASE. MAKE ME THROW UP EVEN THO I'M FASTING, PLEASE!! and they have this habit where they bolt the doors shut. if i have groceries in my hand and am trying to balance them, let me unlock the bottom lock and push the door open. dont piss me off by bolting the door shut. they dont understand the meaning of 'we dont share food, period.' and DO YOUR FUCKING DISHES they're all about 18. its their first time away from home. i dont give a fuck. grow up. and clean your shit and stop following me EVERYWHERE! if im in the bathroom which, mind you, is IN MY ROOM using the bathroom or taking a shower or washing my face or whathaveyou, i find one of them either knocking on my door or calling me on my cell phone, or waiting at the door for me to get out just so they can follow me. i was reading a blog earlier, one of them was sitting on MY BED, uninvited, reading the blog. GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY BED AND OUT OF MY GOD DAMNED ROOM!!! GET THE FUCK OUT!!! shit! ugh. i cant wait till the 20th, i have 3 tails here and they follow me everywhere. and i hate it.

and lately my life has been so shitty and boring that ive been watching movies. yes me, e3younalbak, watching movies. its not normal. ive had no energy to do anything. i watched stigmata today, which is great. and i watched girl interrupted. girl interrupted is a very, hmm how do i put it, disturbing movie. it shows how sick people in this world really are and how many random problems people go through. it really bothered me.. its about 2 am and i cant sleep because of it. it really bothered me to this extent. i need to go out. i need a fucking night away from my tails and with my best friend, and my shille of friends to party and have a damn good time. i cant deal with this bullshit routine thats chock full of nothingness anymore. its really fucking with my head. and i dont do movies... why am i watching movies?!?!?! not normal. im frustrated.

note to self...

*Friday am- illustrator picture due (done/saved in email)
*Friday pm- 3 Advertisements due for 'adobe fonts' (done.)

*Monday- nothing due

*Tuesday- 5 examples of marketing materials from local museums
8 ads for products that would appeal to 18-30 year olds (done)
10 African Penguin illustrations due 'create an alternative way of seeing the animal'
Find fonts for the museum (done)

Try to work on the project, --due in 2 weeks--