Reem Bandali
ok remember that singer back in the late 80's early 90's Reem Bandali?? i have been trying to find out about what ever happened to her for a while now, for a long time i didnt even know her name... so i want to know everything you guys remember about her... if anyone can find me a picture of her or song clips that would be great... or like a "whatever happened to her" story. i would love it... i remember hearing her songs when i was a little girl... so tap all your sources and help me answer these questions because i want to tap into some childhood memories...
...Ghassel wishak ya amar bil saboone wel 7ajar...
...Ghassel wishak ya amar bil saboone wel 7ajar...
negative habibti...sorry :)
La La, at 6:16 PM
guys. you need to help me figure this out.. hiba honey, you know her... im positive you do! she sang songs when we were kids, she was a famous 5 year old when we were 5. she's like our age. she sang a christmas song about "baba noel" lol and many many more... she was my hero.
E3younAlbak, at 8:53 PM
oh I posted about her! yes go to my post =}
enjoy "3atona el tofoule"
Spontaneousnessity, at 12:00 AM
oh and she's not married yet she's studying and hopefuly she'll be back one day =} it would be fun to see how she looks like she was such a cute kid!
Spontaneousnessity, at 12:02 AM
i love you sponnnnnnnnnnn oh my god you have no clue how happy you made me with that information!! i knew someone would be awesome and know the answer - and spon, you are officially the awesomest girl in the world!!
E3younAlbak, at 3:54 PM
yey! am awesomest =~} makes me think of a new nickname hehe awesomestnessity! =} glad I made you happy hon =} I feel special! hehe
Spontaneousnessity, at 3:05 AM
Hi E3younAlbak. Maybe many of us Lebanese or not remember Remi Bandali, but she was a beautiful child who sang beautifully about Lebanon and childhood. You can see her 2a3touna el toufoul on this website: You'll find many other videos of her. I was myself happy that I found her on YouTube as I was looking for her songs too. Enjoy!
Salriah, at 1:04 AM
hey there remi fans! i noticed how often ppl ask about what happened to this little girl and where to download her songs...well good news...i created a website that includes almost all of her songs -like more than 50 of them in mp3 format :) and some info about her life, photo gallery, and some pics from her long-forgotten movie (amanie ta7t kaws koza7). here's the link to the site:
enjoy & plz spread the word to anyone u know who might be a fan of re-mi's. ur feedback is welcome on my site's email address.
nimo mino, at 7:57 AM
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