
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Reem Bandali

ok remember that singer back in the late 80's early 90's Reem Bandali?? i have been trying to find out about what ever happened to her for a while now, for a long time i didnt even know her name... so i want to know everything you guys remember about her... if anyone can find me a picture of her or song clips that would be great... or like a "whatever happened to her" story. i would love it... i remember hearing her songs when i was a little girl... so tap all your sources and help me answer these questions because i want to tap into some childhood memories...

...Ghassel wishak ya amar bil saboone wel 7ajar...

Friday, November 04, 2005


i hate 3Eid in America. i can't stand it, there's nothing to do, its just another 3 days... where's the spirit where's the fun??

this is my first 3eid without my friends and family so im a little cranky.. all my friends here are Christian arabs, and that's not the same, theres a few muslims but they're with their families... i hate this.. i have never spent 3Eid in the middle east bas im sure it's alot different, at least you see it, smell it, and feel it.. not like here... where no one gives a damn but the masjid folk... and honestly i am truly convinced that 80% of them are just there to be seen... i don't even know anyone at the masjids here, i miss my drama filled masjid where i knew everyone and knew all the drama to stay away from...

ugh i feel alone
